Bandcamp Insta SilentBlair

Greetings Angels

If your cycles issue has not yet reached you please be patient. The distrobution of all resources has been affected by the disappearence of a second crew of Ganymede settlers. As you well know light and sound take time to travel distance, and space is uncertain.

We are still accpting enteries for next cycles edition!


About I’da and this Issue Vol 1. Ipse Dixxxit!


Contact with Hortense was lost during the establishment of the Ganymede colony circa 2093, I was and am still maintaining the Provisions & Farming Outpost 18(D-PFO 18) by myself on Deimos. I guess they had started this project during their free time on Mars as a means to both woo and keep me company during the working hours. Music, art for intergalactic colonists(Angels) by intergalactic colonists; for space cases, way-outcasts, and lovers that would harken to our earthly roots but embody our new lives. At the time their music was only shared with me, lots of times they weren’t very good, sometimes they were simply just collages of sound. Their visual work was much the same. One of their friends worked Waste Management in the Terran Depository and would bring her scraps of paper. With it they made and sent me the decoupage, that still litter my quarters. They knew my uncle taught me to play guitar as a small child and hoped by the time that we were to be reunited on Jupiter that we could create something beautiful together. In transmission they would gush about an idea for a periodical aligned with the calendar months or the season changes of Terra containing a couple songs from each colony, settlement, outpost that cared to contribute to this the dawn of an entirely new culture and so that we out here may all have a little something of each other that is unique to us in this our celestial loneliness and that we may call it our own. Decorating space, our new home.

Last year I set out to at least start to make their dream a reality. It was difficult in the beginning by myself but in time I have found other Angels, and learnt to rely on others regardless of distance.

Grlbnd is dedicated to the people, the band we may never be but dreamed of together for so long.

News of their disappearance and a few of their belongings were brought to me via supply pick up from Mars. I left them in the airlock, and pretended like nothing happened for a long time, like they never existed and would weep at random during the day. Amongst these belongings was a few of their journals. 1P2P comes from an entry from their first day in space, however do not take any of my words as clear cut meanings to the work, only as perspective. Their skills and care for people above dogma and doctrine granted them exile in a management position in the colonies rather than life in a cell or death on earth. They equated life to an rpg, in which their skills in persuasion were lack luster but their constitution considerable. Their tenacity and light hearted nature in the face of insurmountable odds continues to serve as inspiration for me as I live out my own exile.

As far as I’m concerned they are still here.

Even if the air was sucked from their lungs I’m certain they are still here in some way shape or form, even beyond the veil, these acts of intent a means of letting them know we are still together, unalone. Dad Jokes seems to be for lack of better words, an invocation to an ever present force beyond our sight that has looked after us before our even realizing it was there; our relationship with which is sometimes parental, instructor, friend and lover, an additional verse was written and provided by a Martian transport pilot who has been a long time friend and confidante. Their words in my opinion express this sentiment far better then mine ever could.

We hope by now a transmission of Ipse Dixxxit! has found you and that it may in some way provide some comfort as we Angels settle into the silence of our new home; this and all affiliated works have been crafted in our free time to do just that for ourselves. We aim to coincide a 2nd transmission with Terra’s autumnal equinox, though we are aware that there are time differentials between systems, perhaps in the future we will have the resources to better account for these factors until then it is just Zan(our Director in Rhythm), myself, and a small coterie of volunteers. Should you have an interest in this ongoing project please feel free to contact us.

Share, stay connected, plot your own path


~Astarot 323

Creative Director


We are a biannual periodical hoping to create and share art by and for Angels: intergalactic colonists; for extra-dimensional beings, space cases, way-outcasts, and lovers



We reserve the right to deny any work into our transmissions for any reason.

I'da.Muses © Astarot 323
design by almost sweet ☂resources