Good Morning!!!


Wards and Blunders

This my account for a being vain

Bennie and the Agkistrodon

My darling want-on’s someone


They can go any place

I see the whole world

In their face!

And though I just got my passport

I’ve always been on the chase

To give bite to every little thing


Redefine taste

My favorite little flavor consort

Redirect my pace

A teeny weenie opium


Across my whole life


A picture perfect image incase

You haven’t had one before?

Can’t wait to see you again

And tell tale of our escapades

Ether on the couch and floor

Done dull razor


I’mma take it all with me

Be smiling in the grave

Told y’a about the big big score

Told y’a be not afraid

Suppose I want to live my life

Under rock

Hiding in a cave

And what’s more

wants more

Once more?

Rush more?

Bennie and the Agkistrodon

Your heads not on a mountain

It’s hiding in a cave


knocked up the quiet split by fits of passion

He told me no one is writing good stories

the choirs


my pen and journal in my purse

had written one for him so adoring

I chance the trance

a chance a curse

a chance that I might be caged in the Earth

as it’s warming

Vacancy at the Hearts O’motel

Helps wanting

Only the escorts to sell

And he tells me he’s horny

My lips were tight before today

Sharp as ever

But with less to say


Hope he heeds my warning

Step back if I beckon

Step back because I’m selling pleasure

And getting tats by the freeway

The cards may say and cups may indicate

Love, emotion, and so longing

Fashion your fashion not to futures ashen

But to this very morning

Apart from things I long to utter

That might convert you too lover

Somethings got me soaring



Half woke dreams of taste

Read as a dirty third party watching the warring


No sure thing


No sure thing

The steam still churns my cheeks to an orangey pink

Poetry drools out


But drips to flow south

In the read womans presence

Might this gesture abhor me

Folded hands against chest

Alms and arms crossed and pressed

Paying for the soft of each other’s extended necks

Whisper told me predestined

Sure, the moneys more than

I was expected to think

And I could linger in shredded newspaper bed

But someone’s slip had scored me

Flash storm

Down, poor


For 7 minutes the sky stood undistilled and adorning

The rain that day


Per Diem

Museless, inert

The more hearing sold

The deafer ears met

Travelers of the night, traders caravan, crescents fickle light

Obscured paths of unhardened clay

Unreasonable response

An afterlife in Paris or punishment in America

The damage?


But more than I’m willing to pay

Under sell same sky


A driver, a horse drawn carriage awaits

Teller, beware bargain




From such gauche estates

My dreams

Per diem sequestered

In exchange


Zeroed in to new class-

“Es” and “ifs”, and “is”, and “ications”

“-fied” I would need no more time

Further into the breach

I blind, punch and tag

And price by dime

For consummating frameless beds

Spinning orbits around your head

Stretched and bent

Canned and canvased


I’m over you like one of those French girls,

(Pre-Copernican yet heliocentric)

Watch them go

the new animal

Bipedal ingenious

Innovating coffees with room for crémer

They draw lines

make wheels

Use tools

They plot the dots

And need I say that that is a lot

But for heaven’s sake,

They just can’t connect them

(Have you guys been to the new dive on 3rd st? I hear it’s awful)

The tires spin but give no ground

You gotta earn it kid

Then come back around

Star catcher, roof smoker

Charming poor, sentiment broker

As if you weren’t everything to me and more

(Well they had their moment and now they can take their disposable income elsewhere)

Her pointy shoes clap and clack

With the rhythm of the subways battered track

Well, we can overdub

But that dance was to avoid the bars

Too filthy for my hands weak heart!!!

Wilde via wave

Having never known the pleasure of bourgeoisie

And surely unaware what a trip like this cost me

Hedonistic, aesthetician

Wish I could join your mission

But the word wasn’t to be pleasure it was to be privilege

(Settle down and let me finish)

If I’ve said anything it’s that the chef really knows the difference between a good and bad piece of spinach. She hand-picks the produce every day, and y’a know it kinda really makes all the difference.


Getting dumb and numb at the function

Cloak of Wildfire

Cleopatra’s Needle was a pleasant surprise

“The Youth

Beautiful for Love

Like the orb of the sun

When he shines in the horizon” –Ramses II

~~~Actions are closer to divinity than appearances~~~


Jarred and brined

Preserved with good intent

Aged patient, catatonic life


And the jar fell to the floor of the cellar for what?

For whom? Whomst?

How will I get home?

A to C

Skipping steps

at the Liars Club

posted up with ghouls and savage

intuition kills

But so does everything else

Candy-made too flat (“you’re not a witch”)

Full strength

Half measured

Borrowed power

Preening feather

I’m a vase

and I’m tethered

to a snake

and I’m weaving gestures

what do you think I want your soul for

to decorate

my glass jars

to put it in a caldron

to put it in a potion

to make someone else fall in love with me just cause I can

just cause I’m so hungry

swear ill swallow you whole

ill swallow you

ill swallow you

~~~Marnin’ teh yeh~~~


Today I clean her apartment

Today I do her laundry

I continue to give heart

How I can

I continue mine sweetness and blessing

and give without expectation of reward

How I can

my trust no


My faith in others is my trust

in myself

I am

my love,

she sets my hair behind my ear and whispers a soft good morning as light pierces the blankets over my windows

And when i strum lute or brush in hand stroke paint to canvas it is her hand over mine that guides ever trembling wrist

she will not die

I run

I pass

And hand in mine presses lips against it

I become her as she whispers good morning to another us as light pierced the blankets over our windows

~~~Massive tokes jabroni~~~


You knew.

I nearly melt when you light my cigarette or call me darling,

I woe

and avoid ring to the gazette

my heart abandoned before

Caught and caged


Shoplifting suffragette

Bloody “telephone”

Bedside wonder


Collage covered walls, your bass in my lap, my ass on your floor


is your name?


is your favorite color?

Cut and laced




African or European?

Still getting to know know “each other”

Prince of Swords

He knocks twice

Knowing the goddess shares my bedchamber

Shave and haircut



lovers lips share lore

“You kiss like someone I know”

How convenient we knew and will know


the next lifetime contains familiar characters

From the ones

Once or twice before

Star paths crash



Line up

Maybe ours will again over coffee tea or wine

Envy every future self

Her composure turns canary from


worn azure

Next lap we’ll have fire


Each other

to keep the fall, cold Nuit


~~~wizards rule~~~


Long did I court envy heeding her every desire

How regal she looked in green

As she held me under swampy mire

Begotten by throws of youth

An inexpugnable azure flame

Well-kept wick, sharpened nail and tooth

Resurgent when throats pressed too tight to wire dame

rests my soul asleep midday

And lights knight to keep wolves at bay

Birthed cursed or worse, born pact with shame

A Raven hearts bruised

forever maimed

Sharp farts that may leave thy tongue

Tarry careful lest they turn ‘round

take lung

As you Smother, and smolder yourself amidst your methane haze

As you lather, rinse, repeat


In Brazen dung

Under gold paint

makes matter explosive

against hearts keen


“I Wonder Why”

when I miss you, I wonder if you can feel it. Does your nose twitch, does your head itch, should a quick stretch pop me out of a joint?

I am doubtful, a selfish thought I entertain lest it pester me as I recollect us sipping your silence, intoxicating as wine we share and even more potent, spirituous your song.

Its unconscious methodology. Observations for appetite, thoughts ideas opinions follow, analysis and inquisition after; and what it did to my heart to hear you

ask “why”?

“Why”, throw gasoline on the fire.

“Why”, is like a wooden drum of gun powder.

“Why”, what is like first breath post choke.

A gasp

What’s more, you do my heart dirty preceding “why” with “wonder”. You “wonder


so I must sit in it

and wonder.

The world needs, the world wants, the world asks of paltry favors and pleasantries

and you “wonder why”

When you “need”, when you “want”, you dream

when you “need”, when you “want”, you’re already attempting to.


That when you “need”, when you “want”, you’re already making it happen.


It is no wonder I wonder,

“I wonder why”,

I love you


Obsessed again

And how you adore

it so


Fuck it, change-o

A shutter at the shitter


Hearts bliss learnt

To make toilet wine




From the tender meaty tendons of tenets




A laugh

What they won’t want

this love of mine

Whomst cells quiver

whomst death sentence, grifter

Whomst hooded head should look down

Shut up

Stay in line

And wait for mornings horn

To shrill these ears to shine

Despite no sin

Despite no proof

Despite no crime

Hers before I awake

dominates my dense tiny little mind

Cross that bridge

Would if I could

Light my lips

and burn my books

Searing my skin


Smells seductive as it cooks

Guilty of arsen

And blowing smoke in heavens eye

Intellectual Property

Au chante my sweet

Yonder morning


Baton, Uptown


Each morning sees sun

Kenneth all the way from Bristol

Is drunk on the people hunt


with missiles

A “favorite” of the doves

Won’t you please plant one on me

Signed sincerely

-the kisser

I couldn’t love you anymore

Mama protect her cub

Sure been acting ignorant

Wanna tell me how come

Couldn’t take it as given

Drink it from the pump

I’ve been feeling broken

How are you?

having fun?

I remember bringing home flees

Tending to their cuts

~~~Just in case~~~


By that gods knead

I have mission


in cold rain my hand stretches to touch yours

And assists in the slow ascent up soaked spiral stairs

See that it hoofs, hurries and huffs

Obscured fact that the summit is within little sum of distance

Lift your head!

Focus your vision!

Cloud coverage has come

of these magical mountains

you have convinced yourself prison

Having practiced grace

How dainty wrist stiffs in truth

as I play witness

To her courage that slays dragon

As she starts to mold an earth

Which she had only once imagined


Eye gain

Why try

When words aren’t worth their spit

Scarlet Woman

So called


It’s easy

With teeth alpha


Rigil, Toliman, Kentaurus, Proxima

What shapes made you?

On lower plane

Waste washed

Between circuitry

As above

As above

She communion and complain

~~~I thought the cold war was over~~~

Petites Choses. Présence

Love, I learn

is people trying to choose prisons?

staying up all night attempting to make out

the most

of my life

waste it all on something I made myself



Over hotels for a home

Tattooed on the inside of your eyes

Dithering spats

sharp turns

off in cursive words

at the front of the


war happens every day

Bring your own caste

The effect of a scent

I wish I could smell again

Caught you


And I re-examine your sins



Gun point

self indulgent grave

see him sit

the end of the bar

feigning a feathers attention

she spills her guts

buys drink




~~~So that’s how you like it huh?~~~


My baby’s not as strong as she lets on

But she’s the strongest


that I know

And if feeling more than she does is wrong

Then I guess I got no

place left to go

I really missed you so I wrote this song

And I tried to make sure not to write in my code, I really

wanna kiss you on your roof at dawn


Look at your picture

And I know what is wrong

I really miss y’a and it’s easy as that

You reflect on my future I reflect on my past


were things different

I’d still be stuck in this trap

Of your eyes and your smile

It really ain’t bad

My baby’s not as strong as she lets on

But she’s stronger than she’ll ever know

And knowing she’s out there

Keeps me calm

When life tears my tush

When I’m feeling so-so

I wish for wisdom

I pray for smokes

Or something like you

That I can devote

My spirit, my mind, my life, and my hands

That I may soar weightless


Once damned

Be your Jane

Signs on command

Corpus christi

Kant be cant

You’re my atlas, Adonis


the fire won’t go out

once its been lit

FeAu étalon

I fail to look away

Constrained by this strangers saccharine features

79 26

As together we contemplate our maligned place

Across table

Compelled to run my thumb across his jaw

So I might bleed for his

A fractured face

Which is evident even before a moments past

his word

Kept together not with scar tissue

But kintsugi

a constant process

By the intense heat and gold



just beneath the surface of this man’s pretty little skull

And taste the iron just beneath my own

Wishing i was wire to wrap myself around him

as I wrap my head around studded stud

And gauge

by tongue split sniff

How his stark nose might lock with mine as curtailed lips kiss

~~~Foreman and I were necking at the arcade~~~

I Want to Stack Rocks

be a stay at home girlfriend

Retire from the public eye

Throw the occasional function

My office is on the beach

The receptionist holds my calls

If they want they can find me

taking lunch with a pack of gulls

Diana forgive me for my obsolete images of my place in the world

I want to give back the grace I’m given

All my earlier impressions make me want to hurl

I’ve been trying to find reason in the vacuum of logic

I’ve been trying to live decent

As a person whose trauma makes them skeptical of even the definition of the word promise

And I promise you I’m trying

Im not just looking to live life

Looking to get laid

I do it because I have to

I know word is as much the same

as Ozymandias statue

or a child’s sand castle

Piss sails in the winds current direction

It only takes a shift in that to get my feet wet and in

The problem is me, the pressure I apply is the cause of the depression

I just wonder why and just how many times I’ve had to relearn this lesson

Something told me I was here to fight hate

I’ve been hated so long I just want to leave a positive impression

set a good example for someone who’s more qualified for the profession

I want to start writing love letters to all my hearts foregone blessings

Seal them and stick them in a drawer

say Cupid was exercising creative expression

Shooting shapes

Reworking dimensions

Flexing their little bow arm

Playing to attention

In the hopes I ask some necessary questions

~~~Take names? What am I going to do with a bunch of names?~~~

The Glory of Venus


Hidden to men

Around the corner

Her grace

Light like lighting

As I can only bare to reach and curl my two fingers

out to her

Fluttering knees

Legs made wings

Flames lick face

Melting in Liliths tongue




Flex before me

Fold me well

beyond beholden and well past

the threshold of nonbeing

Immolation my offering

Pierce my flesh

test my desire

Taste this devotion

Like fruit ripe inside

Applied as necessary

Divine, I

soothing lotion

To you

Disconcerting eye

Counting the multitude of paths

Whilst walking one


Lives Once Lived

break crawling up the sand of the shore where I now lay.

I did not go far

Neath veil


Neath illusion


Prosperity being the highest

How can success be measured having slit mankind’s arms for centuries

Only to show scars

Instead of understanding,

changed behavior

What progress?

The water washing the backs of my ears

The Staatsburg Memorandum

Worlds emerge within themselves

Limit the soul should you like

expect it not

to limit you

nor time

nor anything

for now

you are that matter

but not that alone

Maybe Seurat left out the lines

for you

to draw in

Not work for me

A shutter from my tremors in theory should at the proper frequency phase the spirit beyond


perceivable reality

Perhaps even the shatter or transport the corporeal

Inconceivable power and consequences

within the imperceivable spaces between


Without, without-ness


How taut



A stretch


a string of possibilities

a stench,
